Is Your Next Big Win a Game Changer?

Have you got a great idea for an exciting new product or service that will make your business stand out? Or are you tired of battling it out in a crowded marketplace, where competition is fierce and profit margins are slim? If your answer to either of these questions is a “yes”, it’s time to set sail into uncharted waters and discover the untapped potential of the blue ocean.

In this era of cutthroat competition, it’s important that you are constantly searching for new ways to stand out from the crowd and secure success for your business.

Blue Ocean Strategy – A Different Approach

The concept of blue ocean strategy offers a refreshing approach, focusing on creating uncontested market space rather than fighting over existing customers.

By identifying untapped market demand, and redefining industry boundaries, your company can unlock unprecedented growth and profitability. In this article, we’ll explore the key principles of navigating the blue ocean, and provide actionable strategies to help your business thrive in unexplored territories. So, grab your compass and get ready to chart a course towards blue ocean success!

Which ocean do you want to swim in?

What is Blue Ocean Strategy?

Blue ocean strategy is a concept developed by strategy professors W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne. It challenges traditional business thinking and encourages companies to create new markets instead of competing in existing ones.

The term “blue ocean” refers to untapped market space with little or no competition, where companies can differentiate themselves and create value for customers. Unlike the “red ocean,” which represents overcrowded industries filled with cutthroat competition, the blue ocean offers a vast expanse of opportunities for businesses willing to think outside the box.

The Blue Ocean Innovation Mindset Shift

To successfully navigate the blue ocean, it is essential to understand the advantages it offers and how it differs from traditional market strategies. Unlike the traditional approach of benchmarking and outperforming competitors, blue ocean strategy focuses on creating new demand and expanding the market. By doing so, companies can avoid head-to-head competition. Instead they focus on delivering unique value propositions that resonate with customers.

This shift to an innovation mindset is crucial if your business is looking to break free from the constraints of existing markets and create your own path to your next big win.

Image of the blue ocean and horizon, calm turquoise sea

Advantages of Entering an Untapped Market

Entering an untapped market comes with several advantages that can significantly impact your business’ success.

Set the Rules

Firstly, by entering a blue ocean, you have the opportunity to set your own rules and establish your company as the industry leader. Without direct competition, your business can focus on developing innovative products or services that address unmet customer needs, and creating a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from the competition.

Enjoy Higher Margins

Secondly, entering an untapped market allows your company to enjoy higher profit margins. In a red ocean scenario, where multiple companies are vying for the same customers, price competition is fierce. This obviously drives down margin, leading to lower profitability. However, in a blue ocean, you’ll have the freedom to charge premium prices for your unique offerings, resulting in higher profit margins and improved financial performance.

Gain First-Mover Advantage

Finally, entering an untapped market gives your business first-mover advantage. By being the first to identify and capitalize on a new market opportunity, you can establish a strong brand recognition and customer loyalty. This early entry into the market gives your business a head start, and makes it more challenging for competitors to catch up, further solidifying your position as market leader.

Why the Blue Ocean may be a Step Too Far

For all its benefits, striving for the blue ocean may be a big step too far for your business. So much so that we, Mahmood and Jo, recommend that most businesses ‘think purple’ instead! Now, as far as we are aware, the purple ocean isn’t a real thing in the official blue ocean strategy approach. But it still can be a great place to be, and here’s why.

Blue Ocean Strategy requires Resources and Innovation Prowess

While the allure of the blue ocean—the vast, unexplored market spaces ripe for growth—is compelling, it’s a competitive arena that requires a substantial amount of resources and innovative prowess. Not all businesses are equipped to navigate these challenging waters. This is where the concept of a ‘purple ocean’ comes in, a hybrid strategy combining the best of both the blue and red oceans. It’s an attractive middle ground, balancing between the red ocean’s fierce competition and the blue ocean’s unchartered opportunities.

Calm sea and beach at sundown with a purple hue

Understanding Purple Ocean Strategy

The Purple Ocean Strategy is a concept coined by some writers and universities around the world to denote a unique mix of differentiation and low-cost propositions, inspired by the blue ocean and red ocean strategies, respectively.

Here, businesses aim to carve out their own niche in the existing market while continuously innovating to meet evolving customer needs. Instead of disregarding the competition altogether—as in the blue ocean strategy—businesses adopting the purple ocean strategy learn from their competitors, strategically leveraging industry trends and established practices to their advantage.

Purple Ocean vs. Blue Ocean: The Risk-Reward Trade-off

Blue oceans are undeniably attractive, offering the promise of uncontested market space and profitable growth. However, venturing into the blue ocean can be a daunting proposition for many businesses, fraught with uncertainties and high-risk levels. The blue ocean demands radical innovation and a significant investment of resources, a venture that could sink smaller businesses or those lacking the necessary support systems.

Conversely, the purple ocean strategy offers a safer bet, effectively bridging the divide between the highly competitive red ocean and the risky blue ocean. In the purple ocean, organizations can still enjoy considerable growth by offering unique, cost-effective solutions within a familiar market environment. They continuously evolve, learning from competitors while also pushing boundaries of innovation, but within a more measured, less risky framework.

Advantages of the Purple Ocean Strategy


One of the key benefits of the purple ocean strategy is that it is more accessible to a broad range of businesses. Whether a business is a small startup, social enterprise or large corporation, the purple ocean allows them to capitalize on their strengths while minimizing their weaknesses. It fosters an environment that encourages innovation, but in a measured and structured manner that does not demand radical departures from existing practices.

Balance between Cost Effectiveness and Differentiation

In the purple ocean, businesses can maintain a competitive edge by striking a balance between cost-effectiveness and differentiation. They can find unique ways to serve customers while maintaining lower operational costs, leading to profitable growth.

Seesaw balancing risk and reward

Better Balance of Risk and Reward

Adopting the purple ocean strategy also helps with risk management. By operating within known markets and simultaneously innovating, businesses can spread their risks across familiar and new ventures. This blend of risk and reward offers a more sustainable pathway to growth.

Transitioning to the Purple Ocean

Making the shift to a purple ocean strategy requires businesses to foster a culture that encourages constant innovation and learning from competitors. It is about finding a unique value proposition that sets you apart within existing markets, focusing on improving operational efficiency and constantly evolving to meet customer demands. Your company’s ability to balance these contrasting needs will be central to its success in the purple ocean.

Purple Ocean – Enticing Middle Ground

So, while the blue ocean strategy might be a step too far for many businesses, the purple ocean provides an enticing middle ground. By combining the best of both worlds, the purple ocean strategy provides a pathway for businesses to grow, innovate, and compete, all within a manageable risk framework. While it might not be a part of the official blue ocean strategy approach, we – Mahmood and Jo – believe that it’s an effective, real-world strategy worth considering.

Back to the Blue Ocean: Spotting and Analyzing Market Gaps and Opportunities

Spotting untapped market segments and analyzing market gaps is a crucial step in successfully navigating the blue ocean. To identify these opportunities, it’s important to carry out thorough market research and analysis. This process involves understanding customer needs, preferences, and pain points, as well as evaluating existing market offerings and identifying areas where competitors fall short.

One effective method for identifying market gaps is the “Four Actions Framework,” which involves asking four key questions:

By answering these questions, you and your team can uncover untapped market opportunities and develop strategies to capitalize on them. Additionally, keep a close eye on emerging trends, technological advancements, and changing consumer behaviors to stay ahead of the curve and spot new market gaps that may arise.

Developing a Unique Value Proposition

In the blue ocean, differentiation is paramount. To stand out in an untapped market, develop a unique value proposition that resonates with customers and sets them apart from the competition.

A value proposition is the unique combination of products, services, and experiences that a business offers to its target customers. It is what makes a business attractive to customers and gives them a reason to choose it over competitors.

To develop a compelling value proposition, you’ll need to clearly understand your target market and their specific needs. This means conducting market research, gathering customer feedback, and gaining insights into what customers value most. By understanding customer pain points and desires, you can tailor your business’ value proposition to deliver a solution that exceeds customer expectations.

blackboard with the words Good Idea + Action = Success

Focus on Your Business’ Unique Benefits for Customers

When developing your value proposition, it is essential to focus on the unique benefits and advantages that set the business apart. Whether it’s offering a lower price point, superior quality, innovative features, or exceptional customer service, the value proposition should clearly communicate why customers should choose the business over competitors. You’ll need to continuously evaluate and refine your value proposition to make sure it remains relevant and compelling in a rapidly evolving market.

Creating a Customer-Centric Approach

In the blue ocean, success hinges on understanding and catering to the needs of your target customers. By adopting a customer-centric approach, your business can create products, services, and experiences that align with customer preferences, driving customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Invest in market research and customer insights. This involves gathering data on customer demographics, behaviors, and preferences through surveys, interviews, your CRM data, and customer feedback. Analyze this data to find patterns, trends, and pain points that can inform product development, marketing strategies, and customer service initiatives.

Focus on creating a seamless and personalized customer experience across all touchpoints. This includes providing exceptional customer service, streamlining the purchasing process, and offering personalized recommendations and communications. By making customers feel valued and understood, you’ll build long-term relationships and drive customer loyalty in the blue ocean.

Building a Strong Brand Presence in the Untapped Market

In the blue ocean, building a strong brand presence is crucial for attracting customers and establishing credibility. A strong brand presence will differentiate your proposition from that of your competitors, build trust with customers, and create a positive brand image.

Develop a clear and compelling brand identity that reflects your values, mission, and unique selling proposition. This includes creating a visually appealing brand logo, defining brand messaging, and establishing brand guidelines that ensure consistency across all marketing channels.

You’ll also need to invest in building a strong online presence. This includes creating a professional website optimized for search engines, engaging in content marketing (like this!) to provide value to customers, and leveraging social media platforms to connect with your target audience.

Magnetic shapes shaped like people, plus horseshoe-style magnet attracting the people shapes

Pricing Strategies for Success in a Blue Ocean

Pricing plays a crucial role in the success of a business in the blue ocean. Unlike in a red ocean, where price competition is fierce, businesses in the blue ocean have the freedom to set their own prices based on the unique value they offer.

When determining pricing strategies in the blue ocean, consider several factors.

Perceived Value

Evaluate the perceived value of your offering and price accordingly. If the product or service offers significant benefits and fills a critical need, you can usually justify charging a premium price.

Competitor Pricing

Consider the pricing strategies of your competitors. While there may not be direct competitors in the blue ocean, you should still analyze the pricing landscape to ensure you are competitive and offering value for money.

Experiment with Pricing

Be open to experimenting with pricing strategies. This may involve offering introductory pricing or bundling products and services to create attractive packages. By continuously monitoring and evaluating pricing strategies, you can adapt and optimize your approach to maximize profitability in the blue ocean. There’s a great, free pricing calculator here to help you with your numbers.

Effective Marketing and Promotional Tactics

In the blue ocean, effective marketing and promotional tactics are essential for raising awareness, generating interest, and driving customer acquisition. Unlike in a red ocean, where businesses may rely on aggressive advertising and price promotions to stand out, businesses in the blue ocean need to take a more strategic and targeted approach.

Educate and Inform

One effective marketing tactic in the blue ocean is to focus on educating and informing the target audience. By providing valuable content that addresses customer pain points and offers solutions, businesses can position themselves as trusted advisors and build credibility. This can be achieved through content marketing initiatives such as blog articles, whitepapers, webinars, and educational videos.

Leverage Digital Marketing Channels

Leverage digital marketing channels to reach and engage with the target audience. This includes search engine optimization (SEO) to improve online visibility, social media marketing to build brand awareness and engage with customers, and email marketing to nurture leads and drive conversions. By utilizing a mix of digital marketing tactics, create a comprehensive marketing strategy that effectively reaches and resonates with the target audience in the blue ocean.

Leveraging Technology and Innovation in the Untapped Market

Technology and innovation play a significant role in driving success in the blue ocean. By leveraging the latest technologies and embracing innovation, your business can create unique offerings and establish a competitive advantage.

One way your business can leverage technology is by incorporating it into your products or services. This can involve integrating smart features, automation, or artificial intelligence to enhance functionality and deliver a superior customer experience. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, you can capture the attention of customers in the blue ocean and differentiate your company from competitors.

hand typing on a laptop keyboard

Monitoring and Adapting to Changes in the Market

The blue ocean is not a static environment. Market dynamics and customer preferences can change rapidly, requiring businesses to continuously monitor and adapt their strategies.

To stay ahead of the curve, keep on top of market trends, competitors, and customer feedback. This can be done through market research, surveys, social listening, and monitoring industry publications. By staying informed, you can spot emerging opportunities and potential threats, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Additionally, embrace a growth mindset and be open to experimentation and iteration. The blue ocean rewards businesses that are agile and adaptable. By being willing to try new approaches, learn from failures, and pivot when necessary, your business can navigate the changing tides of the blue ocean and maintain its competitive edge.

Case Studies of Successful Companies Using the Blue Ocean Strategy

To illustrate the effectiveness of the blue ocean strategy, let’s explore two examples of companies that have successfully navigated the untapped market and achieved remarkable success.

1. Cirque du Soleil: Cirque du Soleil revolutionized the entertainment industry by combining elements of circus arts, theater, and music into a unique and mesmerizing experience. By redefining the traditional circus and targeting a new audience segment of adults seeking high-quality entertainment, Cirque du Soleil created its own blue ocean. The company differentiated itself by focusing on artistic performances, eliminating animal acts, and offering a sophisticated and immersive experience. Today, Cirque du Soleil is a global phenomenon, with shows performed in over 450 cities worldwide.

2. Airbnb: As a disruptor in the hospitality industry, Airbnb identified an untapped market opportunity by connecting travelers with unique and affordable accommodations. By leveraging the sharing economy and empowering individual homeowners to rent out their properties, Airbnb created a new market space that challenged traditional hotels. Through a customer-centric approach, innovative technology, and a strong brand presence, Airbnb has become one of the world’s leading accommodation providers, with millions of listings in over 100,000 cities around the globe.


Navigating the blue or purple oceans offers your business the opportunity to break free from the constraints of existing markets and create your next big win. By using the key principles of the blue ocean strategy and implementing actionable strategies, you can identify untapped market segments, develop unique value propositions, and build strong brand presence in unexplored territories.

The blue and purple oceans reward those who dare to think differently, innovate, and create uncontested market space. So, set sail into the blue or purple ocean, embrace the new, and chart a course towards greater growth and profitability.

And remember that we are here to help you with your next big win. Take our free, fast Next Big Win Accelerator quiz here and sign up for lots more great resources to accelerate profitable growth in your business.

picture of Mahmood Reza with his thumb up